Owen Meets his Aunts and Uncles (on the Wade side)

Then Aunt Shannon and Uncle Matt got a turn. They are expecting a boy in December, a cousin for Owen!
Look out Uncle Matt, this is what you are in for!
Silly Uncle Eric was also excited to meet Owen. He knew just how to get Owen smiling.
Even Uncle Andrew took a turn getting up close and personal. It was very weird for me to see my baby brother holding my baby.
Owen Meets the Tanner Gang

Starting Solids!

Tired Baby or Bad Parenting?

Sitting Up

BTW, yes, his onesie says Poop on Michigan...isn't it great? Go Buckeyes!
Professional Photos
If you can call some college kid snapping photos of us "professional" then we got them! You can check us out at The Picture People
Owen Goes to the Beach

No Hair O Bear!

5 Months Old

Some milestones of Owen's at 5 months:
- Smiles and laughs all the time. My heart just melts every time he smiles for me. The best is when I go to pick him up at daycare and the second he sees my faces he breaks into a big smile. The laughing is contagious. Brian is really good at playing games and getting him to laugh and I can't help but run over to see what he is giggling at and to laugh along with him.
- Rolls over from his tummy to back. It's so exciting every time it happens - but he has to be well rested and in a good mood for the rolling to happen.
- Likes cooing and babbling. It is so cool to have him making sounds to emulate talking. When he notices that he has my full attention he may start cooing like he's trying to tell me something. He'll make noises, like a wet razzing sound, when no one is around as well. It's fun to wonder if he will be a chatty kid?
- Usually turns his head for my voice. He doesn't always do this, especially if I just say his name...but he is catching on more and more. I've been working on saying his name frequently so he'll recognize it more.
- Owen has been holding his head up well on his own for a while now. He is definitely getting more control of his body and balance. This is especially nice when you need to hold him with just one arm. He does a pretty good job of holding himself steady.
- Almost sitting up. Brian has been practicing with Owen a lot the past few days. While he doesn't stay up for very long, he's getting better and stronger.
- His reaching for objects is also developing. He seems to prefer to grasp softer things, like his bibs, burp cloths or even my shirt. We've been putting this cloth doll, Wayne, in his hands and he's pretty good about shoving parts of it in his mouth. He'll hold on to smaller toys but he's not that into grabbing them on his own yet.
Mama's Boy

Owen Sees the Ocean

The Boston Garden

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'