All Pooped Out!

I should have known something was up, he was listening to the story instead of pointing things out and turning the pages. I guess our Saturday morning antics wore him out because Owen feel asleep before he even got to eat his lunch!

Valentine's Day

Owen was happy to open gifts with Daddy on Valentine's Day. We gave Daddy a calendar filled with Owen photos, which he loves to look at and point out Mommy, Daddy and "Owie", as he calls himself.

Then Owen got to open his own gifts...bubbles and a ball. He wasn't very interested in the sweater that Daddy got, or the picture frame Mommy got!

Later in the day, Owen and I made heart shaped sugar cookies. They got attacked by the Kuder boys pretty well!

23 Months

This photo is SO Owen these days. Independent, in his PJs, reading to himself. He has one of his favorite books "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" which happens to be a book my siblings and I adored from our childhood.

Owen has become so full of emotions. Happy, sad, playful, mad. While most of the time he is such a fun little guy, he has his moments of crankiness where he's very needy and clingy (especially to mommy). He's communicating more and more and we are quickly figuring out what he wants... doing just about anything to make him happy. He still rules this house (for now) but we are trying to enforce rules and borders.

23 Month Milestones:
  • Owen recognizes names of familiar people (especially animals). His good friend at school is Carter, and what a fun surprise it was to run into him and his Daddy at the Home Depot! He is always excited to see neighborhood pets: Ziggy, the cat, and Choco, the dog.
  • His scribbling with "Colors" has gotten more elaborate. We have been trying to re-enforce that colors go on the paper. So far so good as the walls remain causality free!
  • Word and phrase development has been huge. It still amazes me that he's able to recognize and say all these different kinds of trucks: tractors, concrete mixer, fire truck, backhoe, etc. He repeats a lot of what he hears. Sometimes it's not always easy to make out "Owen talk" but some of his favorites are: "Owens' food", "This Way", "All Right", "Oh Shit" (funny, but really not a good one), "A Mess".
  • Now requests books to be read to him. He'll even read on his own on occasion which is just awesome!
  • Gives kisses by leaning his cheek to me. I haven't figured out how to get him to return one, but he recently asked for a kiss for the first time, and it just melted my heart. Can there be anything more charming than a little boy asking his mommy for a kiss?
  • Says "Thank You" without even being prompted. We are still working on "Please"!
  • Loves being in his jammies and hates when it's time to change out of them.
  • We are working at sharing. I don't see what happens at daycare, but I am very vigilant about making sure he doesn't take toys away from other children at playgroup. He looks at me when he tries to do it, so I know he's knows it's wrong.
  • Loves to build forts with Daddy.
  • Still is a bit shy around new people and places (or people he doesn't see regularly). For example he'll get "hello" and "bye bye" from people at the grocery store, but he's usually too shy to say anything back.
  • Loves "tool" projects with Daddy.

Danila's Birthday Party

Harvard Museum of Natural History

First Subway Ride

Daddy wanted to take Owen to Harvard's Museum of Natural History and had the great idea to take the subway to Harvard Square.
This was Owen's first time riding the T. Since he has been into trains lately, this was a very exciting treat for him.

Owen didn't know what to make of the ride at first. Underground, in the dark, moving fast. Since it was a Sunday morning, there were hardly any other passengers. At each stop when the door opened, he was ready to get off. Good thing we only had to go 3 stops!

Owen was more excited for the trip home and couldn't wait for the "choo-choo" ride.

Always on the Move

Puzzle Craze

Owen absolutely loves doing puzzles. It seems that overnight he has gotten really good at putting them together. Lucky for us we got quite a few puzzles as hand-me-downs from a friend so he has a ton to keep him occupied. If you couldn't guess, he likes the ones with different vehicles the best...especially since he can name most of them!