Are You Ready for Some Football?

The boys have gone crazy with all the football playing. Somehow Daddy manages to watch the Patriots and play with the boys in between plays. It just kills me to hear Owen say how he loves Tom Brady, but I guess he's not old enough to understand that his mother bleeds scarlet and gray!

Mario Cart

The boys are obsessed with playing Mario Cart on the Wii...and by playing, I mean watching Mommy or Daddy play and pretending that they are playing too. I can't wait until they can play on their own, because Owen gets disappointed when I don't win a trophy at the end!

Family Soiree at Grandpa's Property

Owen had a great time playing with his cousin, Elizabeth. Here they are chasing after the fishing line bate that Grandpa was teasing them with.

Owen did a great job with casting his line into the pond.

Ewwwww. Gross!

Uncle Mike was a great fishing buddy.

Family portrait...the little men were not super thrilled to be taking this photo.

And of course tractor rides with Grandpa were the best!

Nail Clipping Sagas

Owen hates to have his nails cut. We either have to bribe him or just do it while he's kicking and screaming. When you find the right thing to bribe him with, he doesn't seem to mind it so much (notice the calmness above). I wonder at what age they do these things themselves?

Patio Dining

We got a new patio put in and we have been really enjoying all the time we are spending outside.

New Wheels!
