The Stroller is Ruined

Now that the weather has been improving, Owen and I have been getting out for walks in the evening when we get home. He absolutely loves to be outside and he really seems to enjoy being carted around in his wagon. I'm beginning to think that we have totally ruined the stroller. Between the wagon and Daddy carrying him around in the Bjorn, he's not a fan of being buckled into his stroller.
Just sitting on the front steps looking as cute as can be!

Wide Open Spaces

We had playgroup today at Lincoln Park, which has this cool rubber surface. I brought along Owen's race car walker and he loved being able to walk all over the place. Such a big boy!

Silliness at Harvard

We took the girls to check out Harvard. And had them pose with Owen on the John Harvard statue.
Owen loved all the fun and craziness going on around Harvard Square.

Climbing the Stairs

We've kept Owen away from the stair for obvious reasons. BUT, this evening he and daddy were waiting for me to get his bath ready and discovered that Owen can successfully climb the entire flight of stairs. We had never really tried this before, so it was exciting to watch him do it. What a great way to tire out the little guy before bed!!!

Bed Head

Owen woke up from his nap with hair sticking I didn't realize that he had enough hair for this to happen, so I got all excited and had Aunt Cat snap a photo.

NCAA Picks

Brian attempted to get Owen to fill out a bracket for the NCAA basketball tournament. He'd put two toys in front of Owen representing each team, and which ever one he went for first was chosen to be the winner. Brian lost steam after the first half of the bracket had North Dakota going to the final...but Owen sure loved all the choices!

Visiting Downtown

We bundled up and headed downtown to take a tour of the Freedom Trail with Aunt Cat and Jen. It was a nice day, but a bit windy. We were all over QuincyMarket hunting down a Rondo shirt (don't's a Celtics thing) for Jen's brother.
It was interesting to try and find a place to breastfeed, so that I could get Owen to take an afternoon nap.
But he eventually fell asleep and we secluded him inside his stroller.
But we had a fun time trying to figure out the events of the Revolutionary War. (BTW, Cat and was William Dawes who was the other Midnight Rider with Paul Revere that didn't get caught.) And of course we stopped for a yummy dinner in the North End topped with a stop at Mike's Pastry where Owen's cuteness got him a free cookie!

Aunt Cat Comes to Visit

Aunt Cat and her friend, Jen, are in town for a visit. Since Aunt Cat just missed Owen's birthday, she made some cupcakes and did a little extra celebrating. She was Owen's first visitor after he was born, and coincidentally she was here this exact same time last year. What a difference a year makes!

Trying Out Owen's New Wheels!

Wagon wheels, that is. It was a beautiful day, so we had to get outside and enjoy it.

Owen got his first real ride in his new wagon (rides inside the house didn't count). He looked so serious during our walk to the park...but Brian and I have come to learn that is usual for Owen when he is so engrossed with everything that is going on around him.

Daddy gave Owen a few pushes on the swing before he let us know that he really didn't like it. Very strange to have a kid that doesn't like to be in a swing!

But he loved the jungle gym!

Playgroup Buddies

This is Tyler, Olivia and Owen at our playgroup get together. We meet on Fridays about once a month and Owen always loves to go to some one else's house because it's a whole new set of toys! Lately our group has been growing with Layla and Violet joining in....but it started with the 3 of these guys. It's nice to have friends in Lexington!

Happy 1st Birthday, Owen!

Brian said I was going a bit crazy with hanging balloons and streamers in our dining room, but it felt like a really extraordinary day. Not only was it Owen's birthday, but a celebration of our family. So special.
Owen really got into opening his gifts. He was on the video cam with Grandma & Grandpa Kuder to open the gifts they sent. Whoohoo, more toys!

Our gift to Owen was this big Radio Flyer Wagon. It is actually called an ATW (all terrain wagon) and has these huge awesome wheels. Owen enjoyed trying to push it around. And look at that seriously big hull of gifts?!?!!

We invited our neighbors over for cake and ice cream. Owen was in awe as we all sang Happy Birthday to him.

Then we let him have his first piece of cake (and first taste of chocolate as well). Don't let this photo fool you...he absolutely loved it!

The after shot before I hosed him down!

All in all, it was a very fun and special day. I know Owen will never remember it, but I know he had a good time. Let's hope there are many more happy birthdays to come!

12 Months

Our little guy is a year old and I just can't believe it. Wow. The year seemed to go by so fast but it was a wonderful, fun filled year. We have been so lucky to have this healthy, happy boy in our lives. He brings so much delight and enjoyment that it is hard to image life without him. It makes me a little sad that he is no longer my little baby, but this amazing boy that is growing so fast and has such a great emerging personality. I keep getting this comment that he seems like such a happy baby and I never get tired of hearing it. I can’t help but feel pleased and proud of this comment. I hope it’s a reflection of how much happiness he has brought to us.

12 month milestones:
  • Lately Owen will drop or lose an item and then look for for it. He might be playing with a ball and lose it under the tv cabinet then figure out how to lay down and reach under to grab his missing item. It is so cool to watch him figure out how to do this.
  • Owen is a messy eater. There's probably not a baby out there who isn't. But he has been experimenting with holding a spoon and trying to feed himself. He doesn't get a lot in the mouth, but he has the general concept of it all.
  • Claps hands, waves bye-bye and gives a "five".
  • He gets upset if you take something away from him...but his anger is always short lived.
  • Says ma-ma and da-da a lot, but it never seems to be directed to either of us specifically. He doesn't really say ma-ma and look at me directly, so who knows if he's using it right or not. His first word is coming soon, I can feel it!
  • Loves putting objects into containers and then taking them out. He also like to try and put lids on things. For instance he'll take the lid off a container of puffs, then tries to put it back on.
  • Has fun opening and closing cabinet doors. He loves anything that opens and closes, the cabinets just seem to be his favorite.
  • Another recent thing is that Owen has been voluntarily sharing an object with us. He'll give us something, but then immediately want it back. He's also been into putting food in our mouths, which he finds very funny. Cheerios or an apple slice that have been drooled all over are yummy!
  • Walking is another thing that feels like it will happen any day now. He's into pushing and walking with anything that will move. He will take a chair and walk with it across the floor if it'll move. Loves to walk his car toy all around the house. He walks with a door as it opens and closes. But if he doesn't have the tiniest thing to hang onto, he falls to the floor. He balance seems to be great. I just don't think he realizes he can do it without holding on. He also refuses to try and walk while being held up by an adult.
  • Loves to check himself out in the mirror.
  • Owen is learning to repeat silly things we do. Like making gurgling noises or dancing or even "talking" on the phone.

Florida Fun!

We had such a nice trip to Florida. The weather was just amazing and really brightened our spirits. Owen just loved being outside all the time, and hotel rooms were just so fun to explore!

Our first evening in our hotel by the beach, Owen was ecstatic to play with his beach ball on our balcony. He forgot what it was like to be outside without a coat on!!!

So anyone that has a baby knows that your life revolves around nap time. It was a bit of a struggle to get Owen to sleep well away from home and his norm. While we were at the beach, it worked pretty well to cover him up and stroll along the shore until he fell asleep. He looks like an old man under that hat.And sometimes I had to settle with him sleeping on my lap. Good thing I had a fun book to read!

Owen took his first swim in a swimming pool and absolutely loved it. Actually, most of our time was spent at the pool swimming and napping. Owen enjoyed the whole atmosphere and watching other people in the water.

It's sunny and warm with no snow on the doesn't get any better!

Owen is on the cusp of walking. He was really into pushing the stroller around. So cute!

We were also in Florida to go to a couple of Red Sox Spring Training games. This was definitely the highlight of the trip for Brian. And he was excited to take our little man to his first Red Sox games. We did learn that it wasn't very relaxing to take a baby to a game...but it's probably better that we learned this lesson in Florida and not at Fenway Park. But funny you probably know, Florida has a very large senior citizen population. Old people LOVE babies and they were always stopping to say hi to Owen. I had a stranger come up to me and ask to take a picture of Owen in his Red Sox hat. Strange. But anyways, there were several old people sitting around us at our first game. They paid more attention to Owen than they did the game. When they found out that Owen's birthday was only a few days away, one guy just handed Owen some money as an early birthday gift! It really pays to be super cute, literally!

We had a fun time, even though I was a bit exhausted when we got home. Five nights might have been a bit too many, but it was certainly nice to get away. If you are interested in seeing more of our Florida photos, I have them posted here.

Look Out Florida, Here Comes Owen!

Too bad Owen isn't waving good-bye in the photo (something that he's gotten good at lately). We are headed to Florida for some sunshine and warm until next week!

No is Funny

Owen doesn't quite understand NO yet. A very common expression in our house lately is, "No, that's not for babies". But of course, that doesn't stop him from anything. Just like the photo above, he likes to get into this cabinet that he shouldn't and he gets a big smile on his face as I tell him No. I've tried to get stern with him when I say No. I put on my most serious face and say, "No!" and all it does it make Owen laugh. He thinks it's funny when I say No.