Best Buds

We ran into Owen's friend, Carter, at the mall playground. These little boys are just the cutest. They have been in daycare together since day one. These aren't the best photos, but Carter's mom took them on a cell phone so they are all I have. Kind of strange that I don't have any other photos of Carter since they are such good friends.

"It's a Bobcat"

A walk around the neighborhood yielded this great find...a BOBCAT. Owen can spot a Bobcat from a mile away. This one was super cool because it was near the road so that Owen could check it out. He is such a boy!

"Build a Fort, Mommy"

Owen absolutely loves to build a fort with our couch cushions. He likes to get in there with his kitty and a flashlight. Lots of giggling. Tons of fun. One adorable little boy.

More fun with Elizabeth

We went to Boston's Children's Museum with Elizabeth, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Mike, Grandma and Grandpa and had a wonderful time.

Then there was more fun with Elizabeth. I have no idea why they were so keen on getting into this bin, but they were super cute.

Thanksgiving Day

The kids were giving a cheer for the holiday!

Owen did pretty good at eating Thanksgiving dinner with everyone. He filled up mostly on rolls, but at least he wasn't a wild man at the table (though the picture might say otherwise).

All pooped out at the end of the day.

Playing with Elizabeth

Cousin Elizabeth is here visiting and Owen has a new best friend.
It is wonderful the way the two of them play together.
Even Daddy wanted to get in on the fun.
Silly, silly, silly. There is something so wonderful about cousins and what awesome playmates they are.

Potty Battles

Getting Owen to sit on the potty is such a battle. He has finally gone to the potty a couple of times where I actually felt like he knew what he was doing. He gets very excited and proud when he does go, but getting him to try is half the battle.

All Aboard

Imagination abound....
Owen decided to collect just about every toy and stuffed animal he could find and pile them onto the couch for what he called a train ride. "Choo-Choo" So cute, but who's putting away all that stuff?!!!

Drumlin Farm

We got bundled up and went to Drumlin for a fun morning of animal viewing.

Since we've been to Drumlin several times this year, Owen is very familiar with all the animals. He's not afraid to get up close and have a look.

Go get 'em cowboys!

The highlight of the farm for Owen is the tractor ride. He usually wants to sit up front so he can see the tractor, but this time he chose to sit in the back corner. It's hard to capture in a photo just how truly excited he is every time we take a tractor ride.


Oh Owen. What a kid. He can be exhausting and this age can definitely be challenging at times, but I absolutely love it. I cherish every smile, every sigh, every hug...the good moments and even the bad. I'm learning more about him every day and marvel at how truly amazing he is.

When Owen is into something, he really gets into it. I made this silly game out of making little paper wads and putting them into the bucket of this tiny cement mixer truck. And he keeps wanting to do it over and over again. Such a simple thing. Makes him so happy.


Owen has shown a lot of interest in soccer. This fall we got him a soccer ball and have taken several trips to Lincoln Park to kick the ball around. He loves it, and Mommy and Daddy love how it wears him out!

All About Trains

We were at the mall and Owen was so excited to get on this train ride. He even patiently waited until he was first in line so that he could ride in the engine and ring the bell the entire time.

Leaf Jumping

Owen enjoyed jumping into leaves that Mommy and Daddy were trying to get all raked up.

So Proud

Owen was especially proud of this lego creation, that he even asked me to take a picture of it. I was happy to oblige. When I asked him what it was, he told me it was a firetruck. How appropriate!

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Owen enjoyed giving Daddy the gift of a waffle maker for his birthday. Owen loves breakfast food! I'm not sure this was really a gift for Daddy!

Then Owen was super excited to sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candles.