New Camera

We upgraded our Nikon D70 to a D90 and wow, what great photos it takes. I'm impressed with the new metering software that does so well in low light. A new camera means lots of new photos of Owen. Above he is showing off his new favorite snack. He likes them so much he can jam an entire cracker into his mouth!

Here Owen is having fun with his favorite new car. He loves the music it plays as well as the fact that he can push it around the house.

It was time to get ready for bed, but Owen found this old pan that was my grandfather's and was having the best time playing with it, so I let him stay up a bit. (Hey, I need to play with my new camera!) I only have this pot for sentimental reasons, but it's a really great one to play with. It makes the best clanging noise and Owen thoroughly enjoyed making as much noise as possible with it.

Sickly Owen?

So Owen got sent home from daycare on Monday afternoon with a 101 temperature. Brian got a doctor's appointment that evening, but he didn't really find anything wrong. Told us it was probably the start of a cold. Owen was fussy, but did not have any other cold symptoms except a slight runny nose. The doctor told us to keep him home on Tuesday, so we rested a lot and took it easy. Mommy and Daddy tried to "work from home" but it is kind of hard to do with a fussy, little guy. He was still not himself today, so I didn't feel right about dumping him off at daycare even though he didn't have a fever. It was a pajama day. I hate to admit this, but I did let him chill out on the couch and watch the movie Wall-E with me. Isn't that what a sick day is all about? I'm still not convinced Owen really has a cold. I think he might be teething really badly which is making him irritable. Let's hope for a better day tomorrow.

10 Ways Owen Says "I Love You"

10. He sleeps through the night (most of the time).
9. He is excited to see us each time he wakes up.
8. He waves bye-bye every morning as he leaves for daycare.
7. He holds out his arms when he wants to be picked up.
6. He loves to play peek-a-boo.
5. He babbles the most adorable sounds.
4. He smiles.
3. He laughs.
2. He hugs.
1. He gives wonderful, wet kisses.

Breast Feeding

Breast feeding has been a big part of my life for the past year. I hope this photo doesn't offend anyone, but I wanted a little shot to remember. Kind of hard to believe that I haven't documented something that I've been doing 4-6 times a day. At the beginning, it was hard. Owen and I struggled to get it down and I tell lots of people that I thought figuring out breast feeding was harder than giving birth. I remember thinking that it would be a miracle if I made it six months. But then it got easier...A LOT easier. So much so that I began to enjoy it, which was totally unexpected. Breast feeding has been this wonderful bond. My little snuggle time with Owen. I can't really explain it other than that. Owen will be transitioning to cow's milk soon, and to be honest I'm not going to miss the pumping or the nursing bras...but I will miss our bond. I seem to be holding him a little bit tighter these days.

New Sneakers!

Owen loves the dishwasher. It's just his height, and he can balance against it without having to hold on. It's nice to have a companion in the kitchen, but when I'm trying to load the dishwasher up, look out! Check out those cool new sneakers that Owen brought home from daycare. Stride Rite has an office not far away and they occasionally bring shoes for the children. He got a free pair of Robeez a while back. This pair happen to fit Owen, so he is the proud owner of his first pair of sneakers. Free shoes certainly are a nice perk! They are a bit on the big side, but that's actually good since I probably won't have him wear them until he starts walking.
I finally caught a photo of Owen sitting on his knees which he is doing frequently now. It doesn't seem comfortable to me at all, especially with shoes on, but this is exactly how Daddy sits on the floor so it shouldn't surprise me that Owen likes it too.

Guitar Hero Daddy

Ever since Owen was a tiny baby, he has been rockin' out to Daddy playing Guitar Hero on the Wii.Here, Owen is just weeks old and he is getting rocked to sleep. The Baby Bjorn and Guitar Hero were the perfect combo for getting Owen to sleep in the early days.

Today Owen still loves to rock out with Daddy and is entertained by all the flashy colors on the tv screen (which we don't usually let him watch).

Owen loves to get ahold of the guitar. Brian thinks it's cool that he tries to hold it left-handed, just like him.

Silly Obsession

This photo is very typical Owen. He has this slight obsession with my slippers. No matter where they are, he can find them. I have no idea why he loves them so much but I've pretty much resigned to the fact that he likes to play with them (as long as he doesn't put them in his mouth!) What a goof-ball!

Kinneens Park

Owen and I had the day off while Daddy had to I decided that it was too nice to stay indoors all day. If it's sunny and above 30 degrees in New England in February, then you need to take advantage of the weather when you can! Owen and I walked to Kinneens Park which is on the outskirts of our neighborhood.This was Owen's first time on a swing, and I was surprised that he didn't really enjoy the ride. I'm sure this will change, but he wasn't terribly thrilled at swinging back and forth.
The jungle-gym held more excitement for Owen, even though he is way too small for everything. We took a good look around and I'm sure Owen will be making good use out of it soon.

Grandparents Come to Town

My parents were in town over the weekend to visit and spend some time with Owen. He warmed up to them pretty well. My father was playing peek-a-boo with him almost the second he came in the door, so Owen was pretty happy about that. There were also lots of duck-n-hide then big smiles for Grandma too.

Owen got an early birthday gift that he just loves. There are sure to be lots more pictures of Owen playing with this since he can't seem to get enough. Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa.

We took a trip to the New England Aquarium with Grandma and Grandpa but taking photos there was difficult because it was so dark. But Owen had a great time checking out all the other kids, watching the penguins gulp down fish, and checking out the huge turtles in the monster tank.

11 Months

The love for this little guy continues to grow exponentially every day. He’s mellow, curious, mischievous, silly, happy and just so good. He loves peek-a-boo and being held upside down. He has started to give me these wet, open mouth, slobbery kisses that melt my heart even though they gross Brian out. I can hardly stand how much I love him.

Owen's 11 Month Milestones are:
• Cruising along furniture so much more and a lot quicker too!
• He's crawling then putting himself into a sitting position. This is a new thing for Owen because he had always been content to play with toys while laying on his belly before now. I also catch him sitting on his knees and find it to be so adorable because this is always the way Brian sits on the floor.
• He's really starting to get into his toys and figure out what they do instead of just putting them in his mouth. It's amusing to watch him push toy cars along the floor.
• Big time exploration going on. Owen likes to get into everything he shouldn't. You look away for two seconds then discover he has done something like take out all the tissues from the tissue box. What a silly boy!
• Owen is becoming a bigger and bigger eater everyday. He is enjoying feeding himself cereal, crackers, fruit or whatever else he can get his hands on. I usually have to have two spoons when I feed for him to hold and one to use for feeding. The teeth have been slow to come, but that doesn't seem to slow him down.
• Wordlike sounds are now spilling out of Owen's mouth. Still no definite first word yet.
• Is getting better at waving goodbye.

Cruising Around

Owen loves to travel around the house and investigate everything. These days he's always pulling himself up and cruising around on everything from couches, chairs, cabinets, doors...even the walls sometimes. He's got a couple of favorite things...the desk chairs (on wheels) in the office, the mudroom door (shown above) and our coffee tables. His coordination, balance and mobility seem to be improving everyday. He only needs one hand to hold on and I've even caught him balancing without holding on to anything. It feels like only a matter of time before he's walking. It just amazes me because just the other week I felt like he was too wobbly to be walking anytime soon, now I feel like it's just around the corner.
We are having another sunny Sunday, so we wanted to get out and get some fresh air. The minuteman bike trail is so close to our house we thought it would be a nice easy walk to Lexington Center. The walk was far from easy in the slushy snow. Daddy only made it as far as Starbucks (okay, I wasn't loving walking conditions either)...but Owen sure seemed to enjoy our little excursion.

French Fry Guy

We went out for lunch today and couldn't help but laugh as Owen immediately grab a french fry for himself. I have been trying to give him more "big people" food, like fruit slices, tiny pieces of meat, crackers, etc. Of course I'd like him to eat healthy, nutritious stuff, but I might as well give in to the fact that it isn't always going to be that way. Enjoy your fries little man!


Today we decided it would be fun to take a hike. Walden Pond is an easy destination for us, so we packed up the car and headed out. This wasn't Owen's first trip to Walden Pond, I had taken him there during my maternity leave but he slept during the entire hike.

Standing on the edge of the pond...yikes!

We were anxious to try out our new backpack carrier that Grandma and Grandpa Kuder got us for Christmas. At first we weren't sure Owen liked it because he was a bit fussy. After a bit of adjustment he seemed to be much happier.

Owen seems to really enjoy being outside. Hopefully we'll be able to have lots of hiking adventures with him.

Car Rides

The sun kept getting in Owen's eyes, so I let him borrow my sunglasses.

View of the backseat.
Since day 1, I have sat in the backseat with Owen. It's totally not necessary, especially since Owen is a really good car rider. He has no problems if he's back there alone...but if Daddy's driving I can't seem to stay away from our little guy. It looks like we are being chauffeured around. Once Owen turns a year old and we can put his seat forward facing, I think I'll go back to sitting in the front seat. I miss the leg room!