Techie Boys

Owen Loves Trouble

Daddy's Boy
I just wanted to make note that today was a big milestone for Owen and Daddy's relationship. For the first time, Daddy came home from work and Owen was so excited to see him that he immediately crawled right up to him to get a big hug hello. I know that Brian was just thrilled to finally be greeted from Owen this way.
Little Book Worm

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Climbing Stairs

10 Months

Owen's 10 month milestones are:
- Crawling around like crazy. Lately he seems to have picked it up a speed, making it harder than ever to keep up with him! He’s even starting to climb stairs with success.
- He’s also pulling himself up and cruising around the edge of furniture. He has also learned to pull himself up on a wall, but he doesn’t really move once he gets up that way. He usually does this right next to a door, because he is totally into opening and closing a door.
- Kind of waves bye-bye. I’ve been working on this when we leave places, the best time being when we leave daycare since the teachers wave back to him. Daddy has been trying to give “fives” with Owen which he’ll only do if he watches me do it first.
- Says “Muh-muh” and “Da-da” but I’m not sure he actually associates them to us properly yet.
- Owen is a big fan of music and he’s starting to dance which is the funniest thing. If he’s standing up, he bounces up and down. If he’s crawling on the floor and music is playing he’ll bob back and forth. Brian and I seem to be having a battle of the bands with Owen. We each think that he likes our favorite artists the best.
- He is becoming more agile with his fingers. I’m amazed at how good he has gotten at grabbing finger food and putting it in his mouth with no problem.
- Owen has been sleeping through the night consistently now which is very nice. I’ve noticed that when he’s teething badly, sleeping becomes a little rougher, but for the most part he’s doing great.