We had such a nice trip to Florida. The weather was just amazing and really brightened our spirits. Owen just loved being outside all the time, and hotel rooms were just so fun to explore!

Our first evening in our hotel by the beach, Owen was ecstatic to play with his beach ball on our balcony. He forgot what it was like to be outside without a coat on!!!

So anyone that has a baby knows that your life revolves around
nap time. It was a bit of a struggle to get Owen to sleep well away from home and his norm. While we were at the beach, it worked pretty well to cover him up and stroll along the shore until he fell asleep. He looks like an old man under that hat.

And sometimes I had to settle with him sleeping on my lap. Good thing I had a fun book to read!

Owen took his first swim in a swimming pool and absolutely loved it. Actually, most of our time was spent at the pool swimming and napping. Owen enjoyed the whole atmosphere and watching other people in the water.

It's sunny and warm with no snow on the ground...it doesn't get any better!

Owen is on the cusp of walking. He was really into pushing the stroller around. So cute!

We were also in Florida to go to a couple of Red Sox Spring Training games. This was definitely the highlight of the trip for Brian. And he was excited to take our little man to his first Red Sox games. We did learn that it wasn't very relaxing to take a baby to a game...but it's probably better that we learned this lesson in Florida and not at Fenway Park. But funny story...as you probably know, Florida has a very large senior citizen population. Old people LOVE babies and they were always stopping to say hi to Owen. I had a stranger come up to me and ask to take a picture of Owen in his Red Sox hat. Strange. But anyways, there were several old people sitting around us at our first game. They paid more attention to Owen than they did the game. When they found out that Owen's birthday was only a few days away, one guy just handed Owen some money as an early birthday gift! It really pays to be super cute, literally!
We had a fun time, even though I was a bit exhausted when we got home. Five nights might have been a bit too many, but it was certainly nice to get away. If you are interested in seeing more of our Florida photos, I have them posted