Today was Daddy's 33rd birthday. Owen watched him open some gifts, then got a surprise when I told him the last one was for him. He got into the unwrapping with enthusiasm.

As much as I would love to tell you that Owen is into reading books, I have been sadly disappointed that he is not. He hasn't shown much interest at all. BUT, I got him this book of trucks and he seems to love it. While it may be boring for mom and dad to read to him, he really enjoys looking at it, and will sit through the entire book without interruption. I guess it took finding the right subject matter!

Owen was right there to watch Daddy blow out his cake candles. Daddy tried to get him to blow with him, but Owen didn't quite get it until after Daddy had already blown them out.

And of course Daddy wanted Owen to get a slice of cake, and Owen loved every last crumb!