Starting Him, Young!

Harvard's Musem of Natural History
We wanted to take Grandpa to Harvard's Museum of Natural History to check out all the animals.
This photo pretty much says it all...Owen running all over the place. It can sometimes be really exhausting keeping up with him.
But Owen is so adorable to watch and teach.
But the best part for Owen had to be this digger that he actually got to sit in when we left the museum. A worker saw us checking it out and encouraged Owen to get in the drivers seat. What a treat!

Owen, the Swimmer?
So Grandma and Grandpa were staying at a hotel up the street for this visit. And lucky for us, the hotel had a pool!
Owen has not been in a pool for over a year. There just hasn't been that many opportunities to take him to one. Something I hope to rectify in the future. In any case, he was a bit hesitant about the whole thing.
Grandma and Daddy worked really hard at coaxing him to get into the water. They weren't super successful the first day we went to the pool, but our second trip there was a little better. He actually had Daddy hold him in the water for a little while, but only after he stripped down to his swim diaper. He didn't like his swim clothes being "all wet".

Owen's First Movie
We've been waiting with anticipation for Toy Story 3 to come out. Owen is a big fan of the first two movies, so we thought this would be perfect for his first movie. Grandma and Grandpa were happy to babysit Marcus, so the three of us went off to the theater.
He was fairly quiet waiting for the movie to start. All the advertisements on the screen kept him entertained as well as checking out all the other little kids who showed up for the 10 a.m. showing.
At one point when I asked him if he wanted more popcorn, he politely replied to me..."No, I just want my milk." This statement kind of took me by surprise because Owen doesn't really speak in sentences like this. He really is growing up!
We enjoyed the movie, but Owen didn't quite make it to the end. He was getting antsy with 20 minutes left and said that he wanted to go home when we asked him if he was ready to leave. It's too bad they have so many previews at the beginning or he might have made it all the way through!

We enjoyed the movie, but Owen didn't quite make it to the end. He was getting antsy with 20 minutes left and said that he wanted to go home when we asked him if he was ready to leave. It's too bad they have so many previews at the beginning or he might have made it all the way through!
Strawberry Picking

A Sunday Outing