Batting Practice

More Time at the Property
After a night in Grandma & Grandpa's trailer, Owen was ready for all the family fun. Lots of Wades, Simpsons and Jeagers came for the family soiree.
Aunt Cat and Owen are best buds. Though they don't get to see each other that much, I make sure that Owen remembers her by showing him lots of photos. Aunt Cat loved that this time when Owen saw her, he knew instantly who she was. He had tons of fun playing in Aunt Cat's tent.
I think he thought the tent was like a mini bouncy house with the air mattress in it. While the photo above looks like they are being all lovey - they were really in the middle of a wrestling match!
All the guys did a bit of fishing, so Owen got exposed to that for the first time. Uncle Eric showed him the ropes. Grandma Kuder had a special fishing pole for Owen. He got pretty good at casting it out into the water (there was no hook on it).
Owen just loves that mower.
Tons of people, means tons of fun and games. Owen did a really good job at keeping up with it all. There was no nap and he pretty much passed out at bed time and slept great the entire night.

At the Property

Owen's own Airplane Seat

Boston Common/Public Gardens

"Garbage, Trash"
One of Owen's many obsessions is the Garbage Truck and everything associated with garbage collection. It's funny that he always says "Garbage, trash" when he refers to any kind of trash.
Thursdays are trash day at our house, and Owen loves to help out. I know Daddy can't wait until he can do this chore on his own!
Owen has the recycling bin routine down. It's so cute when says "Whoa, it's heavy!"
It's funny how Owen is so into garbage. I've seen him sweep up packing peanuts with a dust pan and brush and dump it into a trash can. Then transfer from one trash can to another. Then he'll dump it out and do it all over again. What a silly way to entertain himself...but I'm not complaining!
Thursdays are trash day at our house, and Owen loves to help out. I know Daddy can't wait until he can do this chore on his own!


Thomas Day at Edaville

Morning Muffins