Owen's official birthday was quite a fun day. It began with lots of gifts waiting to be opened first thing in the morning.
Official Birthday!
Happy 4th Birthday, Owen!
Owen had his first, real birthday party this year. All his friends from school (and Danya) came to celebrate at his Spiderman themed party. The kids played games, had lunch and had a really good time. Owen was so pleased with it all (except for maybe that moment where silly string got in his eye). But it was fun to watch my little guy have a great birthday celebration with all his friends.
A Time Old Tradition
Kitchen mixers have come a long way since I was a kid. We used to love licking the beaters, and my mother didn't seem to care if there was raw egg in the batter or not. I won't let Owen go near anything with raw eggs in it, so therefore, he rarely has the opportunity to lick the beater. Which is quite a beater with our kitchen mixer. BUT Owen sure gave it a go as I let me lick the frosting from his birthday cake. I was so amused at watching him try to get as much off that beater as he could!
Peanut Butter and Mustard??!!
Owen loves a peanut butter sandwich. He doesn't even like jelly with it. But back at Thanksgiving, Grandpa Wade asked him if he wanted mustard with his peanut butter sandwich. While it was meant to be a silly question, Owen decided to actually give it a try. And he like it! He will occasionally still ask for mustard on his peanut butter sandwich. Yuck!
Painter's Assistant
Our hallways were in need of a fresh coat of paint, thanks to all the little people who like to touch walls in our house. We really haven't painted much since having the kids, and now I know why. Owen would not leave the work up to the adults...he wanted to help. While super nice and sweet, it is really hard to find tasks for a 4 year old when all you want to do is get the paint on the wall. We tried to keep him occupied with the painter's tape, but that wasn't always enough. There might be some mystery brush strokes on the walls that were contributed to our little helper, Owen.
Computer Time
We've set up an older laptop in our kitchen for Owen to use when the mood strikes. He has been enjoying the learning site starfall.com ever since Grandma Kuder turned us on to it. Owen had gotten good at navigating and using the mouse all by himself. I love that he is learning phonics and enjoying the computer.
Getting Dressed
Sometimes getting Owen dressed can be a battle. If it were up to him, he'd never take off his pajamas. But since pajama days rarely happen at daycare, we must wrestle him into his clothes. He has started to learn to get himself dressed which is nice. There is still always the struggle to find him something he wants to wear (can not be jeans, or any pants that have buttons or snaps). But we are getting closer to independance.