Since Owen was born at 2:32 AM we got that first night at the hospital for free (like we slept, ha!). We were there for 3 nights instead of the standard 2. We were basically ready to go home when the time came, but having the nurses and extra care certainly was nice. That extra time really helped me get the hang of nursing, even though my milk still hadn't come in yet. The nurses and doctors at our hospital were wonderful, so our stay was a really nice experience. But all good things must come to an end. It was time for us to plung into parenthood on our own.
Owen's ride home was fairly uneventful. Brian still drove like a crazy Boston driver, and I sat in the back seat next to him holding on tightly to the car seat. This of course didn't actually do anything other than to calm my own nerves. Owen slept throught the entire thing.
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