Owen had grown so much. I thought I'd list a few of his milestones:
- He smiles! There is nothing better than finding the right silly face or noise to make him smile. Just today I said "The Cookie Monster" to him in a silly voice and got the biggest smile.
- He's beginning to hold his head up on his own. Brian said it'll be a wonderful day when he can hold his head up. I keep saying it's not going to happen overnight, but he's getting there.
- Owen is really starting to be more responsive to us. He'll look at you if you're talking to him. He likes to babble and coo if you have a good conversation with him.
- Owen has found his feet. He likes to stretch and kick his feet so much. When he's in the play yard, he uses his feet to bat at the objects hanging down.
- He's starting to grasp things. We should be better about putting toys for him to grab in front of him, but he will clutch things, like fabric, in his hand. I've noticed him grabbing his burp cloth.
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