Typical Owen
So I wanted to get a quick shot of Owen in his cute Halloween onesie that Grandma got him.
And this is what happens when you rush the boy through breastfeeding and you don't properly burp him. I don't think I could have timed this shot any better....mid-flow of some wonderful spit up. Have I ever mentioned how much Owen likes to spit up? He's a master at it. He is slowly starting to outgrow it, but some days the spew is plentiful.
I did manage to get a cute shot of him, so I can't be too mad at the mess I had to clean up. And with a smile like that, who can get upset?

More Teeth!

Halloween Parade

Beautiful Fall Day
Tummy Sleeper

In other news, Owen and I had our first playdate today. Olivia and Tyler came over with their moms and everyone seemed to hit it off well. I didn't take a photo of the kids because I wanted to hide the obsessive mom photographer for now. Maybe next time she'll show up!
Fall = Fun

Lately, when we've taken Owen out he gets very serious. He's not into looking at Mommy or Daddy...but gets engrossed in checking everything else out. This was certainly the case today. When Brian puts him in the baby carrier, he can't see him so he's always asking "Is he having a good time?" I thought he was definitely having a good time today even though he didn't smile a lot.

It's Sippy Time!

7 Months

His 7 month milestones are:
- Owen is on the move. While he can't crawl quite yet, he can scoot around on his belly. He's really good at moving backwards and pivoting around. You definitely can't leave him alone for too long, because he's never in the same spot that you left him. Crawling is going to come soon because he pushes himself up on his hands and knees all the time now. He just lack the coordination to get moving.
- Rolls over front to back and back to front. Owen has always loved being on his belly, and now he can get there on his own.
- Is sitting upright with a straight back which is exciting because it frees his hands to pick up and play with toys, rather than holding himself up. Sometimes he still topples over if he gets too caught up in chewing on a toy or reaching for something that throws off his balance, but he's doing great.
- Has been eating solids three times a day. We're on a pretty good routine with breakfast, lunch and dinner time meals.
- Reading books are gaining more and more of his interest. While his attention span doesn't last longer than a couple of short books, it's nice to see him interested in the pictures and turning the pages. Now if only he'd be interested in the story, I'd start reading him Harry Potter!
- Owen has been great about sleeping through the night. He's usually in bed around 7:30 pm then gets up around 6 am to nurse. If I'm lucky, he'll go back to sleep a little bit longer until he's up for the day. Lots of sleep makes everyone happy!
- Is becoming more and more vocal. He'll babble and slur sounds together. It's fun to mimic him and get his reaction.
- He can support all of his weight on his legs and loves to just stand on his feet. He's also fond of bouncing in the doorway jumper or Rainforest jumper.
- Has his first tooth coming in!
- Owen's motor skills are developing so fast. He can scoop things up and transfer objects from one hand to the other easily. He also explores with his hands and fingers with a lot more intention now. He's showing more interest in small parts and details of the object in his hands. One funny thing that he seems interested in is the remote control, which we all know is Daddy's toy. We had to dig out an old unused remote for him to play with. He even had it in his hands during a trip to the grocery store and the woman who bagged our groceries said "You're staring him early with the remote, eh?" I couldn't help but laugh.

Almost Crawling

6 Month Doctor Visit (at almost 7 months)

So at the doctor's we learned Owen's stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz
Length: 27 inches
Head Circumference: 43.5 cm
He's fairly average across the board, so he's doing great.