Owen's 1st Halloween

We had beautiful weather for Halloween. Here Owen is showing off his little pumpkin. I carved two tiny teeth on the bottom to represent Owen's teeth. I'm so clever!

Owen got his costume on and we headed over to the neighbors to trick-or-treat.

Everyone loved Yoda!

And as you can see, we are very busy at our house on Halloween. Lots of kids, lots of candy. Owen loves watching other children, so he was very interested each time the door bell ran.

Our pumpkins all lit up. Daddy got lots of comments on his techie pumpkin ;)

Pumpkin Carving Time!

Owen got some lessons in pumpkin carving this evening. The reaction on his face when I showed him what was inside the pumpkin was priceless. Of course he immediately wanted to touch it!

170 Systems Halloween Party

Today we went to Daddy's office for a Halloween party and Owen got to wear his Yoda costume again. I just can't get enough of him as Yoda!

Typical Owen

So I wanted to get a quick shot of Owen in his cute Halloween onesie that Grandma got him.

And this is what happens when you rush the boy through breastfeeding and you don't properly burp him. I don't think I could have timed this shot any better....mid-flow of some wonderful spit up. Have I ever mentioned how much Owen likes to spit up? He's a master at it. He is slowly starting to outgrow it, but some days the spew is plentiful.

I did manage to get a cute shot of him, so I can't be too mad at the mess I had to clean up. And with a smile like that, who can get upset?

More Teeth!

Excuse the messy face, but I couldn't believe it when I discovered that Owen has a second tooth coming in. Two bottom teeth! I guess what they say is true, when it rains, it pours! I think I even feel the very beginning of an upper tooth as well. The surprising thing is that Owen seems to be taking all this teething in strides. I haven't noticed much of a change in his temperament...other than the fact that he's been a bit serious lately. But really, he is usually such a happy baby most of the time that I'm guessing the teething thing isn't really bothering him too much. Yeah Owen!

Halloween Parade

This morning was Lexington's annual kids Halloween Parade. It was hard to get Brian motivated for an 8:45 a.m. event, but the coffee and donut drawl was a good enticement. We(but I really mean Brian) had bought this Yoda costume for Owen, so we thought we'd put it to good use and take Owen to the parade. It was fun to see lots of little kids all dressed up in their costumes. We even meet up with our playgroup pals, so that was fun as well. I'm not sure what Owen thought of all of it. He seemed so serious.

Beautiful Fall Day

We are having an absolutely beautiful fall day so Owen and I are taking full advantage. We went for a walk on the Minuteman trail and I am just so thankful that we live so close to this wonderful trail. It's aligned with such colorful trees right now.
I also tried to get a nice fall shot of Owen with our pumpkins, but he wasn't cracking a smile for me at all! Such a serious little guy!

Tummy Sleeper

Owen has been able to roll over for a while now, but he has never tried doing it in his crib until today. I've been wondering when this was going to happen. Brian and I are both tummy sleepers, so maybe the boy will take after us!

In other news, Owen and I had our first playdate today. Olivia and Tyler came over with their moms and everyone seemed to hit it off well. I didn't take a photo of the kids because I wanted to hide the obsessive mom photographer for now. Maybe next time she'll show up!

Fall = Fun

We took Owen apple picking today and had such a fun time with him. It has gotten quite chilly here in New England, so we had to bundle him up. We got lots of apples, some specifically for making applesauce for Owen. We even made our way into the pumpkin patch to get the perfect pumpkin.

Lately, when we've taken Owen out he gets very serious. He's not into looking at Mommy or Daddy...but gets engrossed in checking everything else out. This was certainly the case today. When Brian puts him in the baby carrier, he can't see him so he's always asking "Is he having a good time?" I thought he was definitely having a good time today even though he didn't smile a lot.

After we collected all our goodies, it was time for Owen's lunch. We lounged in the back hatch of our car and ate up. Doesn't Owen look hilarious? He ate every last drop of food as he watched the people and cars go by. And for all you mothers and moms-to-be, we absolutely love that squirt and feed spoon in the photo. Makes eating on the go so easy!

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Today I celebrated my birthday and got the most adorable card from Owen, complete with his own finger paint signature. What more could a mommy want?

It's Sippy Time!

Over the weekend Owen had a bit of a constipation issue (any stomach aliments he gets are probably inherited from me). And this isn't the first time. Our remedy is to give him some pear juice. I decided to try it in a sippy cup that we had and see if he could drink it himself. He did a fairly good job. Pretty soon he'll be self feeding, and he won't need Mommy anymore!

Riding in Comfort

We moved Owen into his bigger car seat today. This is something that I have been looking forward to since Owen is reaching the 20 pound mark. He was getting really heavy in the infant carrier. He's looking so serious in the photo, but I think he likes that he's not so crammed in the infant seat.

7 Months

7 months have gone by and I can't believe how much Owen has changed. It seems like every day there is something new that he's able to do. It's so fun and exciting to watch him grow and emerge into this little person. There's also a part of me that misses the cuddly, little baby. Long gone are the days where he is happy just to be held. Now he's checking everything out and always on the move. It's endless entertainment hanging out with Owen.

His 7 month milestones are:

  • Owen is on the move. While he can't crawl quite yet, he can scoot around on his belly. He's really good at moving backwards and pivoting around. You definitely can't leave him alone for too long, because he's never in the same spot that you left him. Crawling is going to come soon because he pushes himself up on his hands and knees all the time now. He just lack the coordination to get moving.
  • Rolls over front to back and back to front. Owen has always loved being on his belly, and now he can get there on his own.
  • Is sitting upright with a straight back which is exciting because it frees his hands to pick up and play with toys, rather than holding himself up. Sometimes he still topples over if he gets too caught up in chewing on a toy or reaching for something that throws off his balance, but he's doing great.
  • Has been eating solids three times a day. We're on a pretty good routine with breakfast, lunch and dinner time meals.
  • Reading books are gaining more and more of his interest. While his attention span doesn't last longer than a couple of short books, it's nice to see him interested in the pictures and turning the pages. Now if only he'd be interested in the story, I'd start reading him Harry Potter!
  • Owen has been great about sleeping through the night. He's usually in bed around 7:30 pm then gets up around 6 am to nurse. If I'm lucky, he'll go back to sleep a little bit longer until he's up for the day. Lots of sleep makes everyone happy!
  • Is becoming more and more vocal. He'll babble and slur sounds together. It's fun to mimic him and get his reaction.
  • He can support all of his weight on his legs and loves to just stand on his feet. He's also fond of bouncing in the doorway jumper or Rainforest jumper.
  • Has his first tooth coming in!
  • Owen's motor skills are developing so fast. He can scoop things up and transfer objects from one hand to the other easily. He also explores with his hands and fingers with a lot more intention now. He's showing more interest in small parts and details of the object in his hands. One funny thing that he seems interested in is the remote control, which we all know is Daddy's toy. We had to dig out an old unused remote for him to play with. He even had it in his hands during a trip to the grocery store and the woman who bagged our groceries said "You're staring him early with the remote, eh?" I couldn't help but laugh.

Up (to no good)

Brian says I should not be encouraging this behavior...but look who can hold himself up.


Tonight I noticed that Owen is definitely getting a tooth in. I was breastfeeding the other day and thought I felt something, but didn't look at the time as he was in the middle of eating. I totally forgot to check until tonight, and sure enough there is something sharp there on his left bottom gum. While you can't really see anything in the photo, I have a feeling his gummy grin days are almost over. So far he hasn't been very irritable - no extra drool. This is probably why I didn't see this coming...that and the fact that the nurse at the doctor's office told us last week that he wasn't teething. I guess she was wrong!!!

Roll Baby, Roll

Owen can now add rolling over from his back to his stomach to his repertoire. He's been threatening to do this for a while now, and he finally made it after lots of encouragement. And being the cruel parents that we are, we rolled him over and made him do it a few more times for the cameras.

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Daddy and Grandma do football picks every week. Apparently they aren't doing so great this year, so they brought in Owen to get his thoughts on this week's games. If you recall, he did a great job looking over their NCAA Basketball picks. We'll see how he helps out for football!

Ready for Halloween

Aunt Leslie got Owen these Halloween items, and the hat just takes the cake. He looks like a little criminal. He has stolen my heart!

Almost Crawling

Owen is so close to crawling he can almost taste it! He's learned to scoot around on his belly, pivot and even gets up on his hands and knees. He just hasn't figured out how to coordinate the movement. He does this funny thing where he'll lay on his belly and just kick with his feet. It's already interesting that he's never in the same spot where you left him. He's going to be on the move soon and I don't think we're ready for it...do you see that stereo equipment behind him? I've seen him eyeing it! That's gonna have to go soon. Who knows what else we'll need to change. Where do we buy those baby gates??!!! Hahahaha.

Soapy Fun

There was a little mishap with Owen's body wash leaking into his little tub, so when we filled it up there were lots of bubbles. Owen was a bit surprised and I'm not sure he knew what to make of it, but at least the photo is cute!

6 Month Doctor Visit (at almost 7 months)

Today Owen went to the doctor's and got half his dreaded shots. I kind of negotiated with nurse to do half of the six that he needed, then go back in a month and get the remaining three. I know six shots seems like a lot, but the flu shot is a two parter at this age so we have to go back in a month to get the second one any ways. So while Owen wasn't thrilled to get three pokes, he did pretty well and has been mellow ever since. The last time they loaded him up with vacinations he was cranky for 5 days. I haven't forgotten it yet! So let's hope he fairs a little better now that he's OLDER. Hahaha.

So at the doctor's we learned Owen's stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz
Length: 27 inches
Head Circumference: 43.5 cm
He's fairly average across the board, so he's doing great.