Today Owen went to the doctor's and got half his dreaded shots. I kind of
negotiated with nurse to do half of the six that he needed, then go back in a month and get the remaining three. I know six shots seems like a lot, but the flu shot is a two
parter at this age so we have to go back in a month to get the second one any ways. So while Owen wasn't thrilled to get three pokes, he did pretty well and has been mellow ever since. The last time they loaded him up with vacinations he was cranky for 5 days. I haven't forgotten it yet! So let's hope he fairs a little better now that he's OLDER. Hahaha.
So at the doctor's we learned Owen's stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz
Length: 27 inches
Head Circumference: 43.5 cm
He's fairly average across the board, so he's doing great.
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