Today we had a playdate with Danila, who is the son of Sasha and Ana(a co-worker of Brian's). Danila is a month older than Owen, but his parents are jealous that Owen is crawling and Danila isn't yet. In case you are wondering, NO, I'm not spelling his name wrong. They are Russian...well actually Ana and Sasha are from Minsk which is actually Belarus. Did you get all that? They speak Russian only to Danila (which we pronounce Daniel). Sasha says that Owen speaks Russian already since da, da means yes. I told him when he says "privet" we'll know he speaks Russian. Did I just impress you with my mad Russian skills?

We brought Danila a Christmas present and it was fun to watch the boys unwrap the toy. Owen is crazy for paper so he was all into getting himself some wrapping paper.
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