Kimball Farm

Hiking in the White Mountains

Owen's new word for the weekend was outside (ou-sigh), which is so awesome to listen to him say. I tried to teach him 'tree' as well, but practically everything I pointed to was a tree, like tree trunks, evergreens, leaves...I think it was confusing him a bit. Oh well, maybe next time!

The White Mountains

The Wedding Dancer

Since it was an early wedding, Owen got to experience the whole wedding dance scene. To say that he liked it would be putting it mildly. We were shocked at how bold he was getting out on the dance floor. He even figured out how to mimic the other kids' moves. Check out the video that Brian was smart enough to capture on our camera:
All the wedding festivities wore Owen out. Not five minutes after he got in the car, he had passed out:

17 Months

Owen's 17 Month Milestones:
- Words, Words, Words! This has been the month of words. He has so many now, I may have lost count. Some new ones are: milk (mu), more, mine, shoe, water (wa-wa), no, whoa, bubble, plane (bane). The daycare ladies have told me that he said phone and Bobby (a friend) one day, but I am yet to hear him say phone and that isn't from a lack of trying. He is even stringing words 'more milk' which is just awesome.
- Brushing teeth - mostly on his own with little help. Brush, brush, brush, I say to him. I wish there was a little more brushing and a little less sucking on the toothbrush. But he really is doing well.
- Wants to walk up and down stairs.
- Playtime attention span has grown so much. He'll play with the same toy for much longer. He spends more time figuring out how things work and can be entertained by the same thing for a while.
- Moving towards one nap a day. He still takes two on the occasions when he needs to catch up on sleep.
- Fussy about food. I wish he was a better eater, but he's not horrible. Some of his favorites are oatmeal, pancakes, yogurt, blueberries, pears, mac & cheese, peanut butter sandwich, and grilled cheese. Missing from this list is any type of meat. I've been trying to get him to each chicken nuggets for the longest time, and finally tonight he ate two at dinner. I guess he was super hungry!
- Runs - all the time - everywhere.
- Kicks a ball in forward direction like a little soccer player. Grandpa Wade got him doing this, then Owen took it to new levels at the airport when our flight was delayed. I think everyone waiting at the gate probably passed the soccer ball with him at some point.
- Responds to simple directions like "drink your milk" or "find your shoes" really well.
- Feeding himself all the time. Owen continues to make lots of progress in eating with a fork. Using a spoon is an old hat now.
- Blows kisses melts my heart!
Family Visit

Owen's First Wedding