Every summer, Daddy's company has a family outing at Kimball Farm. This year we got to make use of all the fun kid stuff with Owen. He would have been perfectly happy with all the balls they had available to play with...but there was more...

The Bouncy House! At first I thought there was no way he would go in, especially with all the bigger kids jumping like crazy. Recently they had one of these structures at daycare, but the teachers told me that Owen did not want to go jump. But there was an opportunity when no one else was in there, so Owen and I got in and had a blast. Until it started to deflate. Yikes. Brian claims it was because I weighed too much, but I think there might have been something flaky with the air pump since someone came to fix it. I must say that I wasn't too thrilled with an inflatable roof caving in with a crying baby and camera around my neck.

Then there were the pony rides. First off, Owen seems to love animals. He likes pointing at them. He'll get close and watch. But he won't touch at all. This is typical behavior when he sees a dog. So I wasn't surprised that he seemed interested in the pony. But once he got on, he lasted about 10 seconds before this:

Oh well, we tried. At least he was still up for going back in the Bouncy House. He got more and more daring as the evening went on. He was in there with all sorts of kids by the end of the night. He couldn't get enough...we had to drag him away at 7:30 pm which was after his bedtime!
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