We had wonderful warm weather, so Owen might have been a little hot in his Pooh costume. But that didn't stop him from being so darn cute!

We took him to say "hi" to some of our neighbors, but Owen didn't really get the whole candy thing. He wouldn't even take it! Yeah for Mommy and Daddy that he doesn't even know what candy is YET!

We get tons of trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood, and this year was no exception. There is just something so fun and magical to watch kids delight in picking out their candy. We spent most of the evening sitting on our front porch since the stream of kids was pretty constant.

By the end of the night Owen seemed to catch on that whatever was in our big bowl was something that other kids wanted. He decided that he needed to grab his own handfuls. It was the cutest thing the way he'd hold on to his goodies, then later put them back in the bowl and grab two different handfuls.
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