Star Wars Toys

Well, all of this talk about Star Wars had prompted Daddy to dig out a couple of his figures. When I asked about the Millennium Falcon, I was told that Owen isn't old enough for that yet!!!
Daddy was excited to take Owen to play mini-golf...or Putt-Putt, as we called it back in Ohio.
Owen was thrilled with the whole experience. He proudly took his ball and put it two inches from the hole and swatted at it until it went in. Every sink was followed by a big celebration "I did it!"
We tried to give Owen proper putting lessons, but in all honesty, his method of hold the club backwards was much cuter. At one point he called it "Putt the Butt" which got some giggles from Mommy and Daddy.

Picky Eater

Backyard Pool Fun
It has been quite a warm summer.
As a way to cool off, I got out our baby pool. Owe was not at all interested in this last summer, but this year has been a different story. At first he didn't want to take his clothes off. But that slowly changed.
It wasn't long before he had all his clothes off and every truck we owned in the pool. It was super funny for Mommy to watch hm run around the backyard nude. I'm still laughing at his attempt to go down the slide naked on his stomach. Ouch. He even loved getting squirted by the hose. Yeah for hot summer days!

Lexington's Truck Day!
Our town of Lexington has an annual Truck Day that I didn't want to miss this year. If ever there was an event for Owen, this was it. He certainly gave all the nice employees of our town a run for their money!
Owen was immediately drawn to the backhoe/loader first. Of course it had the longest line of kids waiting to get in, so it was quite the lesson for Owen to learn that he had to wait his turn. Once he got in, though, he was super happy to try everything out. The nice man even spun the seat around so that he could try out the backhoe controls. He sort of looks like he knows what he's doing! This was our first "truck" and Mommy's first lesson in trying to coax him out so that others could have their turn. Yes, I was that mother who had to drag their child out screaming. Lovely.
Then there was the not so popular Bucket Truck. Owen got in without a long wait, and again didn't want to leave. So Mommy got a little wiser to the game and pointed out some of the other trucks to see.
The ambulance was a pretty cool thrill. I love hearing Owen try to say the word "ambulance".
When it came time for Owen to sit in the driver's seat of the ambulance, he decided he needed to close the door in order to keep the other children away. This didn't go over so well with the medic who was monitoring things, but hey, you can't blame the kid for trying!
The guy at the Forestry Pumper Truck didn't mind him closing the door.
Then there was the beloved Fire Truck. At first Owen wanted to cheat the system and go to the side of the truck that was closed.
Then once he finally waited in line, he got his turn. Mommy tried to keep the nice fireman occupied by asking lots of questions so that Owen got maximum time in the truck...but he was still not happy about getting out. It was like I was pulling him from the jaws of life!
The police car didn't hold that much excitement for Owen...I guess because it's not a truck.
And finally was the police motorcycle...super cool!

The Old Res

Happy 4th of July

Tool Time

Mail Time!
Please forgive the lack of pants in the following photos. The mother accepts all responsibility for not having the will power to wrestle them back on after a diaper change.
Now back to our regular Owen cuteness...
Like any normal person, Owen loves getting mail...especially mail with presents. Aunt Cat really knows how to get her nephew excited...he rips open any wrapped gift with so much joy. Heck, he was so excited about getting mail that I couldn't even get the front door shut(I was too busy hunting down the camera). Unwrapping a lot of times is more fun than the actual gift for Owen.
But this time was a super's Buzz Lightyear Legos.
He wasted no time getting out the legos and building everything. Thank you so much, Aunt Cat!
Now back to our regular Owen cuteness...