I swore I was not going to be one of those mothers who only let their child eat the handful of things they liked. I was bound and determined to expose Owen to all kinds of fruits and vegetables and have him eat lots of stuff that was good for him. When he was a baby that was easy to do...but at age 2 it is a totally different story. I can put all the veggies in the world in front of him, but he won't eat them. Where did I go wrong? Owen is probably a typical child who likes pizza, chicken nuggets and mac & cheese. I tried my best. If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't have been so concerned about the quantity he was eating and focused more on the quality. Owen has always been on the small size, so I was told by the nurses at the doctor's office, believe it or not, that he should be consuming things with higher calories. Owen loves his milk. We have to be careful that he doesn't drink too much. He probably drinks more calories than he eats. Hopefully some day we can get him to have a more varied palate
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