Owen's 3rd Birthday was met with much anticipation. All the birthday talk was so fun...getting him excited for the special day.
The big day began with a Duncan Donut breakfast. If you talked to Owen, there is no better breakfast and that's saying a lot because he loves most breakfast foods. Doughnuts with sprinkles on them have become a favorite...and he proceeds to eat the top portion of the doughnut only!
We took Owen out for lunch at a local pizzeria and had the cutest time with our birthday boy.
When it was time to open gifts, Owen jumped in with full gusto.
Owen got a play tent that immediately had to be put up. Owen then decided that the rest of his gifts had to be opened inside of the tent. So cute!
Owen got a couple of new puzzles so he wanted to put them together right away.
Grandma Kuder got Owen a computer/story machine that he enjoyed checking out.
I must admit that Daddy had the brilliant idea of doing a monster truck theme cake. I took that idea and ran with it which resulted in this creation. To say that Owen loved it would be putting it mildly. He talked about it for weeks afterwards.
Our tradition has been to have all our neighbors over for cake and ice-cream, and this year was no different. Owen was so proud to show off his cake and couldn't wait to blow out the candles.
Is there something about kids where they just instinctively know how to blow out candles? Owen blew his out like an old pro!

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