Normally a Sponge Bob band-aid might be cute, but not in this case. Today Owen had his 2 month doctor's appointment where he had to have 4 shots. It killed me to watch as he turned lobster red while the shots were given. I can admit it...I cried. I know he will never remember it, but that didn't make it any easier on me. Seeing your child in pain is so heartbreaking. He has pretty much slept the day away, which I hope doesn't mean he'll be up all night.
So what are his stats, you ask?
Weight was 11 lbs. 15 oz. (55
th percentile)
Length was 22.75 inches (50
th percentile)
circumference was 39 cm (25-50
th percentile)
What does all this mean...that everything is perfect!
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