We took Owen to his first Red Sox game and it went really well. I say that, because in all honesty, it was unexpected. We've come to the realization that Owen does not like to be in loud situations. We first tried putting ear plugs in Owen's ears, but it wasn't long before he figured out how to pull them out. The loud speaker and cheers were a bit startling to him at first, but I think he got used to it as the game progressed. A huge plus was that we had seats on the aisle. Owen was really keen to sitting on the stairs. He had a good view of the field and venders from there. He was really good about poping up and scooting into the row when the traffic on the stairs got busy. It was really quite cute. Much to Daddy's disappointment, Owen was not into ballpark food. He gave pizza a try, but the cotton candy was totally weird and unappealing to him. He did, however, love the 'Green Monster' cookie that Daddy bought for him. While I didn't pay much attention to the game, it was fun to take Owen for his first Fenway Park experience.
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