You know we are first time parents because we get excited to take Owen to new parks. Lately it has been a Sunday afternoon tradition for us to take Owen to a different park to play. Daddy is especially interested in finding new parks to visit. This week it was Robins Park in Arlington.
Owen likes checking it all out, and especially likes watching what older children are up to.
Lately Owen wants to be a big boy by walking up and down the stairs on his own. This really only works when there is something low for him to hold onto.
A cool feature at this park was the super long slides built into the hill. Daddy was so patient as he let Owen walk up all those stairs.
It was a super hot day, with not a lot of shade for relief. Daddy was eager to get a popsicle for Owen from the Ice Cream Man. I would like to say that this was his first popsicle, but I caught him eating one at daycare a while back.

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