We took another trip to the Children's Museum with Owen and his buddy Danila. This has to be the best place for preschool kids, because Owen always seems to be over stimulated when we go. The first stop is the room with the golf balls and contraptions to drop the balls in. Owen just loves this room and he'd spend the whole day there if you let him. It's funny to watch him hoard the balls and run around like he owns the place.

Another big favorite is the Bob-Cat (or Mini-Loader as it's known in our house). Have I mentioned how much Owen is into trucks/tractors?

One of the last rooms we found was this one with a big climbing tree house type thing. Owen and Danila just loved it. In our previous trip to the museum we hadn't gotten to this room, so it was great that we got to explore some new stuff on this visit.
Needless to say, Owen fell asleep the second we got in the car to go home. What a fun day!
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