What does the Kuder Family do during the middle of a Sunday morning snow storm? Why go shopping, of course! Actually, we were terrible parents for not going to the grocery store the day before, so we have to shovel the driveway to go get some food. We figured while we were out we would stop by the mall to see Santa. Owen had his snow suit on over his PJs...but that didn't deter us!
Owen didn't want to leave the parking lot because this is what he got to witness. Have I mentioned that he loves all things tractors/trucks? Well, this was heaven for him, even if windy snow was falling on his face at the time!
So we were correct in thinking that no one else would be at the mall. Poor Santa was all alone just talking to one of his elves. It was nice that we didn't have to wait in a line. We should have known that Owen wasn't going to go for sitting on some strange man's lap, so Santa insisted that we all get in the photo together.
While Owen wasn't a big fan of seeing Santa, he sure loved sucking on the candy cane that Santa gave him. Mmmm, yummy!
It was so strange to be at an empty mall the weekend before Christmas. I had to pick up a quick gift, and Owen got spoiled by every sales person there (hence the balloon). Who can resist a toddler in snow pants and boots?!?!

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