Getting a breakfast bar added to our kitchen has been wonderful. Owen had no real eating routine while all our renovation was going on, but now he has his own chair at the bar to eat all his meals. He's so fun to watch eat (it must be a mommy thing) and I have been even more pleased that he doesn't protest about wearing a bib again.

Owen's new thing has been to grab your hand and drag you all over the house to show you what he wants. This time it happened to be his choo-choo train that he wanted turned on.

I have been tickled to death that Owen has finally been into reading books. He even pulled me over to the bookshelf and asked for books today...a first! I was all too happy to oblige. He's still not that interested in stories with plots. He is more excited about pointing out things in the books he knows..."truck", "kitty cat", "choo-choo", etc.
Such an adorable picture!
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