I just can't believe my little boy is 15 months old already. He amazes me every single day. His hugs are to die for, his smile catches my breath, and his endless energy and enthusiasm make life so enjoyable. My heart is so full it aches.
15 month milestones:
- Owen is developing quite the arm. He has been throwing balls well along with lots of other things. He threw a tennis ball at a lady on crutches the other day that was a bit funny, but we don't like to encourage that behavior. He seems to love to throw his sippy cup from his high chair. Mommy does not find this very funny!
- I've been working on learning body parts with Owen. He likes the song "If You're Happy and You Know It" and I try to get him to recognize different parts of his body like "pat your head" or "touch your nose". He catches on sometimes...just not very consistent yet.
- Owen does a pretty good job of understanding simple commands. "Bring Mommy the book" or some such item that he knows is something that he's capable of doing. I need to get him to fetch his shoes - ah, maybe this month.
- Owen's walking continues to improve. He can now run, which is really the cutest thing to watch. Running usually involves some kind of fun, so I am just tickled to see him do as I chase him around the house or I see him run to me when I pick him up from daycare. I've also seen him walk backs a bit. My Aunt Patty was amazed at seeing him do this and said that most 2 year olds can't walk backwards. I've been on the look out and actually see him doing it occassionally. Go Owen!
- He now can stand up on his own, without needing something to pull himself up. He started doing this out of necessity when playing outside and he'd have to crawl too far for something to help him up. He keeps getting better and better at it now.
- Owen has begun to show frustration when he can not do something. He has these tiny temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way as well. It is definitely a new side to his personality. Right now, it's super easy to divert his attention when he gets upset...but that is sure to change.
- Owen likes to imitate what we are doing. Like using a broom to sweep or holding a spoon to feed.
- He only has a few words that we can understand, but there's an entire babble language that we do not!
- Owen likes to feed himself now with a spoon. I'm not sure if he likes me to be around during meal time other than to continue putting food on his tray! He has taken to putting his finger food inside his bowl of applesauce or yogurt. There's nothing more yummy than apple covered grilled cheese!
- Bottle are totally put away...Owen is a sippy cup only guy.
- Owen loves to play - obviously. He really gets into these stacking cups we have. Loves to put things in, then take things out. Put one cup inside another. Aunt Patty got me all excited when she was impressed that Owen could stack three blocks. "That's advanced?" I asked. Which brings me to an observation where Owen seems to have a lot of expectations to live up to. I don't want to claim to be a genius, but both Brian and I are lucky to have a fair amount of intelligence. But somehow that translates into having a smart kid. The last thing I want to do is put pressure on Owen. But people do seem to assume that he is going to be "wicked smart", as our neighbor likes to say.
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