We drove to the Poconos in PA to gather with the rest of the Wade Family. Owen got to meet his cousin, Elliot, for the first time. Just look at all that hair he has!

Uncle Matt and Aunt Shannon seem to enjoying parenthood a lot.

I wish I could say that Owen was an angel for this trip...but in all honesty, he was very irritable and clingy. We suspected that he wasn't overjoyed at all the new faces and being in an unfamiliar house. He had his moments of fun and playfulness. But mommy was exhausted by the end of the weekend.

Whenever I got to hold Elliot, Owen seemed to get a bit jealous and wanted in on the action. It was funny because Elliot's reaction was to try and kiss/hug/wrestle with Owen.

Owen was very difficult during this family photo...it's the only one where he isn't screaming or trying to get out of my arms. Oh well, that's what you get with a 15 month old!
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