We upgraded our Nikon D70 to a D90 and wow, what great photos it takes. I'm impressed with the new metering software that does so well in low light. A new camera means lots of new photos of Owen. Above he is showing off his new favorite snack. He likes them so much he can jam an entire cracker into his mouth!

Here Owen is having fun with his favorite new car. He loves the music it plays as well as the fact that he can push it around the house.

It was time to get ready for bed, but Owen found this old pan that was my grandfather's and was having the best time playing with it, so I let him stay up a bit. (Hey, I need to play with my new camera!) I only have this pot for sentimental reasons, but it's a really great one to play with. It makes the best clanging noise and Owen thoroughly enjoyed making as much noise as possible with it.
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