So Owen got sent home from daycare on Monday afternoon with a 101 temperature. Brian got a doctor's appointment that evening, but he didn't really find anything wrong. Told us it was probably the start of a cold. Owen was fussy, but did not have any other cold symptoms except a slight runny nose. The doctor told us to keep him home on Tuesday, so we rested a lot and took it easy. Mommy and Daddy tried to "work from home" but it is kind of hard to do with a fussy, little guy. He was still not himself today, so I didn't feel right about dumping him off at daycare even though he didn't have a fever. It was a pajama day. I hate to admit this, but I did let him chill out on the couch and watch the movie Wall-E with me. Isn't that what a sick day is all about? I'm still not convinced Owen really has a cold. I think he might be teething really badly which is making him irritable. Let's hope for a better day tomorrow.
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