New Sneakers!

Owen loves the dishwasher. It's just his height, and he can balance against it without having to hold on. It's nice to have a companion in the kitchen, but when I'm trying to load the dishwasher up, look out! Check out those cool new sneakers that Owen brought home from daycare. Stride Rite has an office not far away and they occasionally bring shoes for the children. He got a free pair of Robeez a while back. This pair happen to fit Owen, so he is the proud owner of his first pair of sneakers. Free shoes certainly are a nice perk! They are a bit on the big side, but that's actually good since I probably won't have him wear them until he starts walking.
I finally caught a photo of Owen sitting on his knees which he is doing frequently now. It doesn't seem comfortable to me at all, especially with shoes on, but this is exactly how Daddy sits on the floor so it shouldn't surprise me that Owen likes it too.