Today we decided it would be fun to take a hike. Walden Pond is an easy destination for us, so we packed up the car and headed out. This wasn't Owen's first trip to Walden Pond, I had taken him there during my maternity leave but he slept during the entire hike.
We were anxious to try out our new backpack carrier that Grandma and Grandpa Kuder got us for Christmas. At first we weren't sure Owen liked it because he was a bit fussy. After a bit of adjustment he seemed to be much happier.
Owen seems to really enjoy being outside. Hopefully we'll be able to have lots of hiking adventures with him.
We were anxious to try out our new backpack carrier that Grandma and Grandpa Kuder got us for Christmas. At first we weren't sure Owen liked it because he was a bit fussy. After a bit of adjustment he seemed to be much happier.

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