The love for this little guy continues to grow exponentially every day. He’s mellow, curious, mischievous, silly, happy and just so good. He loves peek-a-boo and being held upside down. He has started to give me these wet, open mouth, slobbery kisses that melt my heart even though they gross Brian out. I can hardly stand how much I love him.
Owen's 11 Month Milestones are:
• Cruising along furniture so much more and a lot quicker too!
• He's crawling then putting himself into a sitting position. This is a new thing for Owen because he had always been content to play with toys while laying on his belly before now. I also catch him sitting on his knees and find it to be so adorable because this is always the way Brian sits on the floor.
• He's really starting to get into his toys and figure out what they do instead of just putting them in his mouth. It's amusing to watch him push toy cars along the floor.
• Big time exploration going on. Owen likes to get into everything he shouldn't. You look away for two seconds then discover he has done something like take out all the tissues from the tissue box. What a silly boy!
• Owen is becoming a bigger and bigger eater everyday. He is enjoying feeding himself cereal, crackers, fruit or whatever else he can get his hands on. I usually have to have two spoons when I feed him...one for him to hold and one to use for feeding. The teeth have been slow to come, but that doesn't seem to slow him down.
• Wordlike sounds are now spilling out of Owen's mouth. Still no definite first word yet.
• Is getting better at waving goodbye.